Video Advertising

Video Advertising

Video advertising is a remarkable way to communicate with your web visitors in many diverse ways. Therefore, how can you make the most of this format to make sure good viewing figures and amazing income potential? This is by hiring a reliable video ad service provider.

At SEO Agency, we generate video content for business. It doesn’t matter if you are planning to boost brand awareness, ignite or increase a marketing campaign or effectively communicate with internal audiences, we have the skill and ability to know your business and create a compelling message with video. 

Why Consider Video Advertising

Boost Conversion: There is no better way to enhance conversion rate than video. Putting in a video to a landing page can enhance conversion rate with over 80 percent. 

More Shares

According to expert, video content is getting thousand times more shared compared to images or text. Video provides you with an opportunity to reach your target audience. 

The video is Future Proof 

Forty-three percent of consumers would want to see more video content of companies and brands. This helps secure your future.

One of the essential components of an effective video ad involves the buildup of an approach or strategy. With SEO Agency, we not just build the first technique; we constantly work what you can look forward from our account experts when launching video ad services: 

Advertising Assets 

We include all of the needed elements required to reach decision makers. At SEO Agency, we not just make video advertisements utilizing our internal production team, but also develop the components in the videos. We are a comprehensive turn-key system, which includes major assets 1 to 2 minute landing page video made to boost conversion, video advertisements on social platforms like YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook and many others, landing page design, build up and hosting. 


An absence of distribution, you just have a video. We handle all aspects of a video ad plan from B2B advertisers. To produce leads, we develop and manage the campaign in all of the main ad networks that are relevant to business to business audiences. By working with our professional team, you can stay hands-off with the technical factors of video advertisement campaign and allows us to carry out heavy lifting. 

Reporting and Analytics 

Building accurate reports and taking in custody the right information are some of the hardest challenges B2B advertisers encounter when marketing across diverse platforms. To make sure precise reporting, our experts have created a bespoke system which aggregates data from video ad platforms and shows it in a single view. So, what you can look forward to us when we implement video ad campaigns in our system:

  • Comparative reports evaluating the efficiency of various advertisements on the separate network.
  • Normalized the view of impressions, conversions clicks as well as ad spends in every network as well as across the entire campaign. 

Contact us to Know How to Get Started

If you are planning on starting a video ad campaign or if you have a question about this service, and the process, please feel free to call us. 

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  • Styled list item 1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Styled list item 2. Nam euismod augue vel lacus.
  • Styled list item 3. Donec in ura nec nibh pellentesque ullamcorper.

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Aenean et rutrum nulla. Proin vel fermentum purus. Nullam sed libero magna. Sed cursus ullamcorper risus in egestas. Integer pretium, nibh ut maximus varius, tortor libero mollis arcu, ac tincidunt turpis libero sit amet turpis. Phasellus eget sapien dictum, tincidunt risus ut, pretium nunc. Morbi eget mattis felis.

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